Are Persian Kebabs Safe to Eat? Complete Guide + 4 Notes

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Are Persian Kebabs Safe to Eat?
Are Persian Kebabs Safe to Eat

Kebabs are among the most popular foods in the world, especially Iranian kebabs. Iranian kebabs are known for being healthy and delicious. Of course, all these things depend on the type of meat, temperature, and how they are cooked and stored in the refrigerator and freezer.

Usually, Persian kababs such as joojeh kabab and kabab koobideh are cooked on charcoal grills, which have a great taste.

However, researchers believe that cooking meat on charcoal causes the formation of hydrocarbon compounds in the meat, which are the cause of cancer.

In the following, I will explain these issues with a complete review and answer these questions, so stay with me.

Is grilling a healthy way to cook meat?

Is grilling a healthy way to cook meat?

Grilling is an old and traditional way to cook all kinds of red and white meat. If the grill is cooked at the right temperature, it is a very healthy and excellent meal. This temperature is 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 70 degrees Celsius for veal meat and kabab koobideh.

But if the kebab is cooked at a high temperature, which causes the meat to burn and turn black, it is no longer a healthy food and causes harm to the body as well.

Iranian kebabs that are good for health

If you cook the kebab properly and use fresh ingredients, it is very useful for the body.
But if you overdo it and don’t use the right meat and the right temperature for cooking, it is very harmful to your body.

I have written an article related to this topic: Is Persian foods healthy?
You can read and enjoy.

Useful and low-fat meats

Usually, Iranian kebabs such as Koobideh, Shishlik kebab, Kabab Barg, and dande kabab are made from fresh sheep meat and have a relatively high-fat content.

But Middle Eastern kebabs that are useful for a low-fat diet can be mentioned: Joojeh kabab, grilled fish, Chicken koobideh, grilled shrimp, and the use of fish meat for preparing kebabs.

Balanced consumption

Consuming too much kebab and meat causes heart disease or gout. It is suggested to use Iranian kebabs 3-4 times a month and maintain balance in the consumption of these foods.

The downside to eating red meats are those related to the amount of fat, cholesterol, and sodium content. These risk factors bring an increase rise in heart disease, such as heart attacks and clogged arteries. High sodium content in red meats can lead to high blood pressure.

Sourced: marquemedical

Tips for maintaining barbecues


In my opinion and after all this experience in the food industry, Iranian kebabs or any type of kebab should be consumed fresh on the same day. If you care about your health, consume any type of kebab you prepare in one meal fresh on the same day.

Store in the refrigerator

 Don’t let the time interval exceed 1 day to use these kebabs. Leaving the kebab in the refrigerator for more than two to three days causes the meat to spoil, and the kebab should not be used.


In my opinion, kebab should be consumed fresh, and I am against freezing it for a week to a month and I do not recommend it.

Signs of corruption

Signs of corruption kebabs

In the following cases, the kebabs are rotten and you should not eat them or even give them to animals.

1 Bad smell Kabab koobideh or other barbecues emit a very bad smell when left for a few days
2 Changing the color If the kebabs are spoiled, they turn from their original color to dark and gray colors.
3 Molding If you see a sign of mold or white in the kebabs, they are spoiled.
4 Slimy texture  This happens mostly in Koobideh and Kabab barg. If they take on a sticky and slimy texture, they are spoiled and should be thrown away.


If you follow the tips mentioned in this article, besides being delicious and diverse, Iranian kebabs are also very useful for the body.

To summarize, I must mention these points if you prepare the kebab with fresh ingredients, cook it at the right temperature, and consume it fresh, it is a very healthy meal for the human body.
If you have any thoughts about the benefits and harms of barbecue, tell me in the comments.




1. What is the most important point in rotting kebabs?
The bad smell and color change of the barbecue are the most important points in diagnosing the spoilage of the barbecue.

2. What tips should we follow to cook healthy kebabs?
Fresh raw materials, cooking at the right temperature, and serving fresh kebabs.

3. Which is the healthiest and least fat kebabs?
Kebabs are made from chicken and fish, such as joojeh kabab, chicken koobideh, and grilled fish.

4. What is the best and healthiest way to cook kebabs?
The best way to cook kebabs is on a charcoal and gas grill if it is cooked at the right temperature.

5. What is the most suitable temperature for koobideh barbecue?
The best temperature for beating is 60 degrees Celsius or 170 degrees Celsius.

Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
You can contact me for advice on equipping restaurants and fast food
In the shortest possible time and for free, I will provide you with advice on buying fast food equipment and setting up a fast food restaurant.


  1. I had a Kabab Koobideh once and it was really great
    But I think anything that a person eats too much can be harmful for him

    • hello dear friend
      I hope you will try this delicious kebab more
      Yes, exactly, if we drink too much water, it is harmful for the body
      We should maintain balance in eating everything

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