Khagineh Persian Recipe_ Sugar Pancake in 30 minutes

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khagineh Persian recipe
Persian sugar pancake

Khagineh or Iranian pancake is an excellent and complete fast food, in my opinion. Whenever we had food at home that I didn’t like, my mother quickly made Khagine for me. I loved baking these awesome pancakes.

Of course, I remember the month of Ramadan, when one of the fixed dishes for iftar was this Khagina. Today, I am here to explain that great and easy recipe to you, so stay with me until the end of the article.

What is Khagineh?

What is Khagineh

Khagine or khaigneh in Persian language means food that is prepared by mixing egg yolk and egg white and frying it in oil or butter.

Flour and eggs are the main ingredients of Khagineh. Qiqanaq is a type of food that is cooked in Zanjan and Tabriz and served with tea during breakfast.

The difference between Zanjani and other khagineh is that no syrup is used. In fact, in Zanjan, sugar is added to the Khagine base from the beginning to make it sweet.

My experience table:

My level of interest is from 1 to 10 10
The ease of cooking Easy
Served for Breakfast, Dinner, Launch
Suggest for Daily meal
What is served with? Lavash bread, sangak bread

How to make khagineh? 

Khagineh Tabrizi is a delicious dessert that is prepared quickly. There is no need for an oven in the preparation of Khagineh Tabrizi, and you can easily prepare it in a pan.

You can also serve it as an appetizer or as an evening meal. The other name of this dessert in the local language is Qiqnakh, which is prepared and cooked as a delicious and energetic breakfast. In the rest of this article, we will get to know how to prepare Khagineh Tabrizi from the meals cook site. So be with us.

how to make khagineh tabrizi

For: 6 people

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ingredients :

ingredients for khagineh

Egg 5 pcs
Flour 5 tablespoons
Sweet yogurt 5 tablespoons
Baking powder 1 tablespoon
Vanilla powder 1 tablespoon
Oil or butter as much as needed

Ingredients for syrup:

Water 1 glass
Sugar 1 glass
Rose water half a glass
Cardamom 4 pcs
Brewed saffron half a tablespoon


1. Break the eggs in a suitable bowl and add vanilla to it. Mix them well with a fork.

step 1 khagineh

2. Add the sifted flour, baking powder, and yogurt to the eggs and mix well until a smooth mixture is obtained.

add yogurt to ingredients of khagine

step 2 khagineh

3. Pour some oil or butter into a pan to heat it. Then, pour the mixture into the pan.

4. After one side of Khagine is fried well, turn it over.

step 4 khagineh

5. Take the extra oil of this dessert with tissue paper.

6. Pour the cooled syrup into your Khagine.

step 6 khagineh

7. To make Khagine tabrizi syrup, you must first mix water and sugar in a suitable pot. Add cardamom seeds to it. Put the pot on gas heat until the sugar dissolves completely in the water and the syrup becomes thick.

8. After this dessert syrup thickens and reaches the right concentration, add rose water and saffron to it.

9. After the syrup is ready, put it in the refrigerator to cool. According to the recipe of this if you pour hot syrup on it, it will increase the probability of it becoming pasty.

10. Now place the Persian sugar pancake in a serving dish and decorate it with some walnut kernels, cinnamon, and dried rose. Then, pour cool syrup on it and enjoy it.

khagineh is ready

This Persian food is served with Lavash bread, Sanagak bread, and Khiar shoor.

How to prepare simple Khagineh for dinner

This Persian pancake can be used as a light main meal at night. For this, mix eggs and yogurt well. Then, slowly add flour and baking powder to this food mixture.

For your food to taste better and be more beautiful, use mint and chopped chives in its mixture. Fry the khagineh mixture in an oiled pan. Your Khagine is ready for dinner so easily and quickly.

Notes :

notes for khagineh

  • You can pour the khagine mixture in the form of a spoon (like kuku or kotlet) into the pan and fry it.
  • This food is also served with grape juice instead of syrup.
  • Be sure to put a flame spreader under your pan.
  • This dessert can be made in the oven like a cake. For this purpose, place the khagine in the oven at 338 Fahrenheit and continue cooking until the ingredients do not stick to the fork.
  • Eggs, yogurt, and flour are the same in the preparation of this food that is, you can increase or decrease these three ingredients to the same extent for example, you can prepare Qiqanakh with 2 eggs,2 tablespoons of yogurt, and 2 tablespoons of flour.
  • Add the syrup to the khagine until it becomes watery and doughy.
  • Cooking this Persian food is very popular during Ramadan and at the iftar table.
  • A few minutes before turning off the flame, you can sprinkle a small amount of sugar on the edges of the pan. This will make the edges a little stiffer and look more stylish.
  • Note that this dessert should be hot and the syrup cold or this dessert should be cold and the syrup hot. This contrast causes a shock and causes the syrup to be well eaten by this food.


1. What is the main ingredient in khagine?

Eggs and flour are the main ingredients for this food.

2. What is served with khagine?

Along with this pancakes are served: sangak bread, lavash bread, and khiar shoor.

3. Can I freeze this Persian pancake?

No, You should eat this pancake fresh and keep it in the refrigerator for two to three days.

Did you like this recipe?

  • If you try Khagine Tabrizi, Please share your experience with us.
  • You can ask me questions about Persian pancakes in the comments. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • If you cook this food and love the taste of it, please share your pic with us on Facebook & mail.
Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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