Persian Fava Beans Recipe – Baghali Pokhte

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persian fava beans (baghli pokhte)
persian fava beans (baghli pokhte)

When autumn and winter weather is very cold, baking Persian fava beans with vinegar and angelica is hearty and wonderful as a snack or evening meal. In Iran, fava beans are one of the main foods eaten. Fava beans are consumed along with rice and baked. 

In general, baked fava beans are one of the nutritious and popular foods on the cold nights of autumn and winter. Together with vinegar and angelica, it is very hearty and delicious.

How to make fava beans? (Fava beans recipe)

Baked fava beans are one of the ways to prepare Broad beans, which are very tasty and simple, and you can prepare them with fresh Broad beans in spring at the same time they ripen.

Baked fava beans are one of the most popular snacks in Iran, and you can prepare them in different ways at home, just like outside. 

Baghali pokhte is a healthy and nutritious snack you can prepare for receptions and parties.

Broad beans have a high nutritional value and are suitable for strengthening the body’s immunity.

The protein in Broad beans is very useful for the body, and various diseases can be prevented. It is also good for the skin and vision.

Broad beans are very good for detoxification and heart health because they reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent premature aging.

Today, on Meals Cook, we will teach you how to prepare baked fava beans with vinegar. So stay with us in this article.

how to make persian fava beans

For: 5 people

Preparation time:15 minutes

Cooking time:3 hours’


Fresh fava beans 3.3 pound
water 2 liters
Vinegar as desired
salt and black pepper A little 
Angelica and dried mint as needed


1. Soaking beans

First, wash the beans and soak them overnight in a large pot. The water should cover the entire surface of the beans. Change the water several times while the beans are soaking.

The next day, choose a container and pour the beans into it.

2. Pour the fava beans into the pot

Add water until it covers the surface of the beans. Increase the heat, and set the gas flame to medium after the water boils.

Try not to let the water boil until the moment the water boils, then put the lid on the pot.

3. Serve Broad beans with vinegar and angelica

Add salt, vinegar, and pepper to the water when the Broad beans are cooked. Let it boil for another 5 minutes, and add vinegar and salt to them.

4. Pour the cooked fava beans into a bowl, add a little dry mint and angelica, and enjoy it with your family.

Another method of cooking fava beans with skin

1. In this method, buy fresh beans, wash them without peeling them, and pour them into a pot (do not remove the first and second skins).

2. Pour water into the pot to cover the surface of the beans. Add salt and some vinegar to the water (the amount of vinegar is at least half a glass and salt to the extent that it tastes salty).

3. Check after half an hour; it is cooked and ready to serve. After cooling down a little, pour the beans into a bowl, remove the first skin, and eat with angelica, salt, vinegar, and mint.

If you like, sprinkle some sumac on the beans. Pouring sumac will make beans delicious.

How to eat fresh fava beans

How to make fava beans

When the beans are cooked, I usually peel them and eat them without the skin so that I don’t get heartache. After this, add salt, vinegar, and pepper to the water.

Let it boil for another 5 minutes, and add vinegar and salt to the beans. Put the cooked beans in a bowl, add a little dry mint and angelica to it, and enjoy it with your family.

Properties of fava beans

Properties of fava beans

There are two types of fava beans available in the market:

1. Fresh

2. Dry

Although dry beans have more properties than fresh beans, the vitamin C of dry beans is low, and has a cold and moist nature.

  • Broad Beans strengthen the bones, and at the same time, their use is useful for rheumatism, joint pain, and sciatica.
  • Broad beans are fiber-rich and are considered a complete food due to their high protein content. It has high calcium and potassium, and therefore, it is recommended to use it to prevent osteoporosis.
  • People with high blood pressure, gout, rheumatism, and kidney stones should consume broad beans.
  • People with favism (anemia) are advised to avoid beans. Pregnant women should also refuse to eat beans.
  • Broad beans are useful for blemishes and gallbladder and reduce migraine pain. It helps in digestion and relieves diarrhea.

Fava beans are a great source of key nutrients, with one cup of cooked fava beans (170 grams) containing about:

  • Calories: 187 calories
  • Carbs: 33 grams
  • Fat: Less than 1 gram
  • Protein: 13 grams
  • Fiber: 9 grams
  • Folate: 177 mcg, or 40 percent of the daily requirement
  • Manganese: 0.7 mg, or 36 percent of the daily requirement
  • Copper: 0.4 mg, or 22 percent of the daily requirement


  • If the beans are yellow, it indicates their low quality. Try to get fresh and green.
  • You can use sour pomegranate paste or some plums instead of vinegar.
  • It doesn’t matter if you use white vinegar or homemade red vinegar.
  • If you want your Broad beans juice to be more concentrated, mix 1 tablespoon of flour with water and add it during cooking.
  • The amount of cooking Broad beans varies from 1 hour to 2 hours.
  • The heat should be low at the end so the Broad beans settle and become thick.
  • You can prepare fava beans without removing them from the pods.
  • Dampokhtak and baghali polo ba mahicheh are two great Iranian dishes that are prepared with beans.


What is usually served with broad beans?

Fava beans are served with golpar(Persian hogweed).

How many calories are in fava beans?

Calories in fava beans are 341 calories per 100 grams.

If we have favism, can we eat beans?

No, under no circumstances should people with favism or food allergies eat beans.

Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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