Qurabiya Recipe | Persian Almond Cookie from Tabriz

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qurabia or ghorabieh recipe
qurabia or ghorabieh recipe

Ghorabieh or Qurabiya is an original souvenir from Tabriz which is considered one of the most expensive sweets due to the raw materials used in it.

This very delicious sweet is made from ingredients such as flour, vanilla, eggs, etc. filled with pistachio nuts and almonds in the traditional model. For this reason, it is more expensive than other sweets.

Qurabiya has many fans. These sweets are mostly prepared in the regions of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Zanjan, as well as in Qazvin and other Iranian and foreign cities.

Generally, these sweets are also known as Tabriz sweets or Turkish sweets. However, it is prepared in most cities and has its fans. Different types of these sweets, such as walnuts and coconut.

Some people of Tabriz put it on their teacup before eating this sweet so that it softens a little. It is interesting to know that sweets are healthy sweets.

The reason for the healthiness of this popular sweet is that no oil is used in cooking it. Therefore people who have diabetes or are worried about their health can enjoy this delicious and aromatic sweet without worry.

I hope that you will prepare ghorabieh from the recipe given in the Meals Cook and enjoy eating it with your family with tea or coffee.

How to make qurabiya? 

How to make qurabiya

For: 5 to 6 people

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 2 hours

Qurabiya main ingredients:

Almond 0.6 pound
Sugar 0.6 pound
Egg 4 pcs
Vanilla 1 tablespoon
Sliced almonds and pistachios  as needed


instruction qurabyia

As we mentioned earlier, this sweet is easy to prepare, and this simplicity is due to the limited and available raw materials.

It is important to know that although it is common to make cookies with almonds, it is sometimes made with walnuts.

1. At the beginning of the work, we go to the preparation of almonds. So wash them and then soak them in a bowl for a while.

After the necessary time, carefully separate their skin to reach its white and uniform texture. Now wash them again and spread them on a cotton towel to dry.

step 1 qorabyia

2. Next, if you have a food processor or grinder available, pour the almonds in them until they are well-ground and powdered.

Now what you should have in hand is ground almonds with a smooth texture. Of course, if it is difficult to prepare ground almonds, you can use almond flour available in supermarkets.

step2 ghorabyia

3. add sugar to the almond bowl and mix the ingredients well. This can be done easily and quickly if you have an electric mixer at home.

Otherwise, after stirring a little with a hand mixer, add the almond and sugar mixture to a pan and place it on a low flame.

After a few minutes, you will see that the sugar will melt, and the resulting mixture will become soft and shiny.

step 3 qurabyia

4. Now, you have to break the eggs one by one in a separate bowl. Then separate the white from the egg yolk and pour it into another bowl. Next, mix the whites a little to remove the lumpiness.

step 4 qurabyia

5. Add two egg whites to the baking dish and mix well with an electric mixer or by hand. After the texture of the pastry is almost smooth and uniform, add the remaining two egg whites and start mixing again.

6. After successive stirrings, add a tablespoon of vanilla to the desired ingredients, and you must mix the ingredients well for the last time.

Next, when the texture of the pastry cream has reached the right concentration, an important part of the work is done.

step 6 qurabyia

7. Now cover the bottom of the oven tray with greaseproof paper. Then prepare the pastry bag and fill it with a sweet mixture.

Now cut off the end of the pastry bag and pipe the pastry onto the tray.

Be careful that the pastry bag should be kept vertically and fixed on top of the tray, and the distance between the pastry bag and the tray’s surface should be very small.

step 7 qurabia

8. you should use almond and pistachio slices to decorate the sweet at this stage. There needs to be more in this.

Firstly, you can grind the slices of almonds and pistachios and sprinkle their powder on the sweets.

In the second method, which is more common, you can place the almond slices around the pastry and then fix the pistachio slices in the middle.

step 8 qurabia

10. Now turn on the oven and set the temperature to 392 Fahrenheit. Next, place the tray containing the sweets in the middle of the oven and wait 30 to 40 minutes until the cookis are well cooked.

stepn 10 qurabia

11. Finally, remember that after the Ghorabieh is cooked and ready, do not immediately remove it from the oven.

In other words, leave the oven door half open for 10 to 15 minutes until the pastry slowly cools down and is ready to serve.

Ghorabieh is delicious like other Persian Nowruz sweets: Persian noghl, ghotab, Persian kaak, Shirini Danmarki, and shirini gerdooee

qurabyia is ready


In Tabriz, Qurabiyas are made of almond flour, sugar, egg white, vanilla, margarine and a topping of coarsely crushed pistachio and almond. It is served by itself or with tea, customarily placed on top of the teacup to make it soft before eating.



notes for qurabyia

If the baking of sweets and cakes is done according to its special tips and subtleties, the taste of the sweets may differ from what you expect. As a result, there is always a need to know some micro-coarse points.

For this purpose, in the following section, a collection of tips that you should know while preparing the pastry, baking it, and even storing the Ghorabieh have been collected for you, so don’t neglect these tips:

If you don’t have an electric tool like a food processor or a grinder at home, you can buy powdered almonds.
There is no need to use a nozzle with a funnel to prepare this. Because a simple and cookie-like form with the cut end of the pastry bag is also possible. Of course, if you cannot do this without a nozzle, you can use a simple nozzle.
If you use the flame’s heat to mix the sugar and ground almonds, be sure to wait 10-15 minutes for the ingredients to cool down, then add the egg whites. This is because the heat of the pan and the pastry will cause the egg white to cook on them to some extent which we never want.
The cooking time of this can be from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the amount of pastry you pipe on the tray. Naturally, the baking time should be considered according to the size of the pastry to avoid excessive dryness or burning.
Storing delicious sweets is relatively easy because it is considered dry sweets, and you can store them in a container with a lid in the refrigerator for a long time.


1. Where did ghorabieh come from?

This sweet comes from the city of Tabriz in Iran.

2. How long do your products stay fresh?

Our ghorabieh cookies are made with fresh ingredients and have a shelf life of approximately two to three weeks when stored properly in an airtight container.

For optimal taste and texture, we recommend consuming them within this timeframe.

3. Can I make qurabiya without an oven?

No, this Persian sweet must be baked in the oven

4. What was served with this sweet?

This sweet is served with Persian tea, gol gav zaban, and Persian sour cherry tea.


Did you like this recipe?

  • Please share your experience about making this sweet.
  • If you are looking for vegetarian food, I suggest this Persian sweet.
  • You can ask me questions about the Persian Ghorabieh recipe in the comments. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • if you make this sweet and love the taste of it, please share your pic and video with us on Facebook and YouTube.


Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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