Nargesi Recipe | Best Persian Spinach And Eggs (in 15 min)

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nargesi recipe
Persian spinach omelet

nargesi recipe is simple and takes little time. There are different types of preparing Persian spinach omelets, and here we will review Persian spinach omelets. It does not take much time to prepare this dish, as you are faced with different types of food.

Persian spinach omelet is one of the authentic Iranian foods belonging to the northern region of the country, and it is very nutritious and useful.

The name nargesi is derived from the white and yellow colors of the egg and its resemblance to the narges flower.

The main raw materials for preparing the recipe are eggs and spinach, both of which are rich in many properties and benefits for the health of the body.

Also, this recipe is a suitable food for slimming diets and can be a suitable,low-calorie, and nutritious meal for weight loss.

This food is made with eggs, fried onions, and spinach. You can flavor this dish with salt, garlic, and pepper and eat it for breakfast. Eggs can be scrambled into the spinach or placed on top of the spinach as you prepare it.

Serve this dish for breakfast or a light dinner, with some warm bread as a complete meal.

Now, Stay with the meals cook and how to make this recipe.

For: 4 people

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

ingredients :

Onion  1 pc
Spinach  8.8 ounce
Garlic  2 cloves
Salt, turmeric powder, and black pepper  as needed
Oil  1 glass
Eggs  2 pcs

How to make nargesi?

How to make nargesi

Instruction :

1. Wash the spinach. Then, pour them in a suitable pot. If the spinach is big, you can divide it into 3-4 parts before cooking.

2. After pouring the spinach into the pot without adding water to the contents of the pot, close the lid of the pot and put it on a low heat. Let the spinach cook slowly.

3. In the next step, after 15 minutes of cooking the spinach, remove it from the heat and put it aside. While the spinach is cooking, peel the onion and cut it into small pieces.

4. Pour a tablespoon of oil into a suitable pan and add the onions to it. Allow the onions to be fried and become golden.

onions to be fried for nargesi

5. In the next step of how to prepare this recipe, when the onions become soft and light, finely chop or crush the garlic and add it to your fried onion. Make sure that only the garlic is sauteed until its aroma fills your kitchen space.

add garlic to nargesi

6. After that, in preparing this omelet in a northern way, it is enough to fry the combination of onion and garlic together for a few minutes until they are well mixed and uniform.

7. In the next step of preparing the delicious esfenaj omelet, fry the spinach together with fried garlic and onion. How much spinach is fried depends on your taste. You can deep fry the spinach or just saute it.

add spinach to nargesi

8. After that, add salt, turmeric powder, and black pepper and mix this mixture again. After that, you can simply open the middle of the fried spinach and break the eggs in this part.

Persian spinach and the egg has a unique taste. Now close the lid of the pan and let the eggs cook and harden on a gentle and low heat.

9. Finally, it’s entirely up to your taste whether to scramble the eggs or prepare them with unscrambled yolks.

add yolks to nargesi

10. After this step, your spinach omelete is ready. This recipe is considered a very healthy and nourishing food.

cooking nargesi in pot

11. At the end, pour the Persian spinach and egg into the final serving dish and enjoy.

cooked nargesi

Tips to make Persian nargesi tasty:

Tips to make persian nargesi tasty

  • The more vegetables are cooked, the more they will lose their properties. We recommend that you avoid overcooking the spinach.
  • We all know that the saltier and fattier the food is, the tastier it is. But do not forget that health is of primary importance. So try to make your Persian spinach omelet low in salt and low in oil.
  • The final point in the simple way of preparing this food is that some people add a little dry mint powder to the mixture of eggs, spinach, onions, and spices at the end of cooking. 
  • Again, we remind you that the use of these ingredients depends on your taste.
  • You can make a Persian spinach omelet for breakfast without garlic.
  • To make your largest tastier and take on a festive look, add some chopped walnuts to the food.
  • Spinach is rich in nutrients that, when combined with eggs, become a healthy and nutritious meal.
  • Tahchin esfenaj , borani esfenaj and aloo esfenaj are Iranian dishes prepared with spinach
  • You can easily make this recipe for more people. Use one and a half to two cups of spinach and one or two eggs per person.
  • The more onion and garlic you use, the tastier the Persian spinach omelet will be.
  • This food is made differently in every Iranian family. Some fry spinach and onion, but do not add eggs to it, and eat this food without eggs. However, some people follow the original recipe and decorate the spinach with eggs.

All of us know that spinach is good for us, but the question remains as to what makes this green a superfood?

Spinach nutrition, as demonstrated in the below-listed nutrition table, will give you an insight into some of the components that this green possesses.

Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse that offers a range of essential nutrients. This leafy green vegetable is packed with vitamins like A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as iron and calcium.

Additionally, calories in spinach are low and carbohydrates while being high in dietary fiber.

It’s an excellent choice for supporting overall health and well-being. Spinach is often praised for its potential to boost the immune system, improve bone health, and aid in managing conditions like diabetes.


Properties of spinach:

Properties of spinach

Spinach is a very nutritious vegetable for the body. Spinach is a rich source of fiber and, therefore, very suitable and effective for treating constipation.

By having fiber, spinach fills the stomach and thus makes you feel full. It prevents overeating and is useful for weight loss and slimming.

Another property of spinach is that it has high amounts of antioxidants and, therefore, accelerates the healing of pimples and skin acne.

For this, it is enough to massage a small amount of spinach juice on the target area daily. In addition to treating pimples and acne, this also removes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.

With vitamin A, spinach is a suitable treatment for strengthening vision and night blindness, and despite having a high level of iron, it is a suitable treatment for anemia.

Spinach is rich in manganese and is very useful for reducing and treating blood pressure.

The presence of vitamin C in spinach has made it a suitable treatment for bleeding gums, preventing colds, and, most importantly, strengthening the body’s immune system.

Nutritional value :

Nutritional value of nargesi

Nutritional value

Per 100 gram
Calories 103 calories
Carbohydrates 12 grams
Protein 3.5 grams
Fat 3 grams
Fiber 4 grams
Vitamin C 25 mg
Iron 2 mg


Did you like the Persian spinach recipe?

  • If you have experience eating a Persian spinach omelet, please share your comments.
  • If you are looking for vegetarian food, I suggest this spinach omelet to you.
  • You can ask me questions about nargesi recipe in the comments. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • If you make this food and love the taste of it, please share your pic with us on Facebook & mail.
Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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