Ghalieh Mahi Recipe: Persian Spicy Fish Stew Made Easy

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ghalieh mahi

Ghalieh mahi is one of the most famous stews made from southern fish, which has many fans because of the taste of tamarind mixed with pepper; it has made us a very special taste that, after tasting this food and the aroma you will never forget its specialness.

There are different ways to prepare ghalie mahi, but by knowing some important cooking tips that you will read below you can easily prepare this delicious food at home for lunch or dinner.

If you are looking for formal and stylish food for the party table, it is better not to forget Persian herbs and fish and the method of making this food.

My experience table:

My level of interest is from 1 to 10 10
The ease of cooking Hard
Served for Dinner, Launch
Suggest for Daily meal, party meal
What is served with? Seer torshi, lemon, sabzi khordan

How to make ghalieh mahi?

How to make ghalieh mahi

Fish is one of the most nutritious foods used by humans, and it has been prepared from these aquatic creatures in various ways since ancient times.

Depending on the type of fish used for food consumption, they are graded, and some countries even consume raw fish according to their taste.

Making Traditional southern Iranian cuisine is very important for anyone who knows how to cook, and it is better to know that this food has a very special taste that, after eating it once, if you think about it for a while, will make you hungry.

If you are planning to make southern food, stay with meals cook site so that we can continue to teach you how to prepare delicious Iranian seafood dishes. Spicy fish stew is like that Sabzi Polo Ba Mahi.

Ghalieh mahi recipe

For: 4 people

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ghalieh Mahi Ingredients:

Fish fillet 0.9 pound
Onion 1 chopped
Coriander 0.1 pound
Fenugreek 0.1 pound
Tamarind 0.4 pound
Garlic 5 grains
Flour 1 tablespoon
Red pepper 2 tablespoon
Tomatoes paste 1 tablespoon
Black pepper half a teaspoon
Turmeric half a teaspoon 
Salt as you need
Liquid oil as you need



1. Preparing a special and delicious Ghalieh Mahi, start by sauteing fenugreek and coriander, then put a suitable pan on low heat and pour some oil into it to heat it up, then pour the vegetables into the pan and stir.

2. Remember that to prepare dark-colored stew, you have to fry coriander and fenugreek well so that they change color, and finally, the color of the stew turns dark. In general, the color ratio of this food depends on the frying of vegetables.

3. To make this food, remove the fried vegetables from the pan and set aside so that the heat of the pan does not burn the taste of the vegetables. Next, put a suitable pot on the heat and pour the tamarind with a glass of water to boil.

4. The way to flavor the fish is to put the fish fillets in a tray and mix salt, black pepper, and turmeric together with 1-2 spoons of liquid oil in a bowl, apply it on the fish fillets and let it rest.

5. After boiling the tamarind, strain it and keep it aside. Wash the garlic and onion well and chop them finely. Put a suitable pot on low heat, add the onion, add some oil, and fry it.

6. The continuation of the cooking method of Tamarind sauce fish is that after the onion turns golden, pour the garlic into the pot until its aroma is released and then add the right amount of turmeric, black pepper, and salt to the ingredients and fry well until they are uniform.

7. To add tomato paste, first move the ingredients to the corner of the pot. Add the tomato paste and stir until the color is released, then mix with the rest of the ingredients and fry. Now it’s time to add the fried vegetables.

8. The continuation of the process of making this food is that after mixing all the ingredients in the pot, pour 2 glasses of warm or lukewarm water into the pot, stir with a spoon, and let the water boil.

9. Now it’s time to add the smoothed tamarind to the ingredients in the pot and stir it a little, then pour a red pepper along with a pinch of flour into the pot.

Mix with the rest of the ingredients, and leave for 1 hour. Let it cook on low heat.

At this stage, you must allow the stew to settle down and reduce its water.

10. To make delicious Persian tamarind fish at this stage, put a suitable pan on the heat and pour some oil into it. After it is hot, add the fish to the pan and fry both sides.

11. After 1 hour of cooking this stew, add the fried fish to the stew and set the heat to the lowest level until it is well and fully cooked in about 40 minutes.

12. Taste the food you cooked when you know that it is completely thickened and settled, turn off the heat pour Iranian Fish stew into a suitable dish, and eat it with rice.

Persian fish stew is served with Sir Torshi, Zeytoon Parvardeh, Torshi Liteh, and Torshi Albaloo.

A serving of salmon — 3 to 4 ounces — is about 200 calories. It’s very low in saturated fat and a good source of protein. It’s also one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It’s also bursting in potassium and other nutrients like iron and vitamin D.


How to make ghalie mahi with tuna?

How to make ghalieh mahi with dried herbs

Another way to prepare southern Persian fish stew is to use tuna. In this way, your work speed will increase, and there will be no need to fry the fish anymore.

Just go to the sixth step, which is to add the tamarind extract and let the stew water settle. After that, open a tuna of fish that you have already boiled and pour it in the stew, and of course, wait for a while until your southern and delicious stew cooks perfectly.

You can easily enjoy a unique flavor with your family members.

Notes :

Notes for ghalieh mahi

  • It is better to cut the fish fillet to the size of a matchbox, sprinkle salt on it, and let it rest for half an hour, then drain and put it in the refrigerator before cooking.
  • Among the northern fishes, only Ozone can be useful for preparing ghaliye mahi.
  • Increase or decrease the amount of pepper and tamarind in Flavorful fish stew according to your taste.
  • You can add 2 Limoo Amani to the ingredients of this food.
  • Add the fish pieces one by one so that the stew water does not boil.
  • To prepare this food, use Sangsar, Rashgo, Hamur, Sarkho, Sukila, and black halva fish.
  • Ghalieh Meygoo and Ghalieh Kadoo are related dishes that have almost the same cooking recipe


FAQ for ghalieh mahi

1.What is ghalie mahi herbs?

The composition of the herbs ghalieh mahi is coriander and fenugreek.

2. Is it possible to prepare ghalie mahi with dried herbs?

If you don’t have access to fresh herbs to make southern Iranian seafood dish you can use dried herbs. But usually, Persian fish stew with fresh herbs is more fragrant and tasty.

3. What is the difference between northern and southern ghalieh mahi?

The most important difference between northern and southern ghalieh mahi is the use of tamarind and pomegranate paste. 

The northerners use pomegranate paste to flavor this food, and the southerners use tamarind.

Of course, there are walnuts in the northern stew, which are not present in the southern one.

4. What kind of fish is suitable for ghalieh mahi?

Using fresh fish suitable for this stew is the most important step in making delicious food. South Sea fish have a better taste when making Persian fish stew, and it is better to use Persian Gulf fish to prepare southern Persian fish stew. For example, shir mahi or kapoor mahi.

5. How to make delicious this Persian Seafood?

Fresh ingredients and a professional recipe help to cook this food tastier.  Choosing the right fish for Spicy fish stew, fresh vegetables, plenty of garlic and pepper, and quality tamarind are necessary to make delicious Iranian seafood dishes. 

Southern ghalie mahi is spicy, which is one of the reasons for its delicious taste. So don’t hesitate to add pepper to this stew.


Make this Iranian fish dish today!

  • If you are interested in seafood, this Persian stew is a very nutritious option..
  • If you are looking for vegetarian food, I don’t suggest this glazed.
  • You can ask me questions about the Ghaliye Mahi recipe in the comments. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • If you make this Iranian fish stew and love the taste of it, please share your pic and video with us on Facebook & YouTube.
Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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