Moraba Beh Recipe +12 Tips to Have Red Persian Quince Jam

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 moraba beh - Persian quince jam
moraba beh – Persian quince jam

Moraba Beh or Persian quince jam is a red and delicious Iranian jam that is prepared from a combination of fruits cooked with sugar. This Iranian dessert is eaten with Iranian bread and butter for breakfast.
This Iranian jam is also used to decorate all kinds of desserts and sweets.

Moraba Beh, butter, and Barbari bread every morning for breakfast is my best option for children’s breakfast. When I was a child, my mother always made a bite of butter and quince jam for me for the school bell.

It was very tasty and it has a lot of vitamins for the body and is useful. An excellent combination that was always accompanied by Lavash or Barbari bread.

What is moraba beh?

what is moraba beh

Moraba beh is one of the most delicious and colorful jams that has lots of fans. One of the best and most beautiful Iranian jams, which is also full of vitamins.

Attractive fruits are one of the special beauties of autumn! One of these fruits is Quince! A beautiful and fragrant yellow fruit that is full of properties and surprises! It is rich in vitamin C. Because of its abundant fiber, it helps to reduce cholesterol and lose weight.

It is anti-cancer and useful for ulcers and stomach diseases. It is also rich in potassium, which lowers blood pressure. It is very useful for nausea, stress, and many other diseases! It has countless properties, and we have mentioned a few general ones.

In addition to therapeutic uses, it can be used in various ways in cooking and baking! From stew to compote and marmalade and beautiful and colorful jam!

What is the most popular Iranian jam?

Quince Jam

Yes, that’s right, jam. Homemade jam can be prepared in different types. Some people prefer gem-shaped jam to grated quince jam, and some make quince jam with skin.

Cooking jam is very diverse, which is good news for fans of jam for breakfast. Continue with Meals Cook to learn how to prepare homemade jam and key points.

This quince jam is served as breakfast along with Persian tea, barbari bread, sangak bread, and lavash bread.

Along with the question of how to make jam, you may also have this question, is it not difficult to cook jam at home? With this recipe for jam that we have brought you below, you can cook a homemade jam and enjoy it in your breakfast.

Necessary ingredients for making clear and colorful quince fruit jam

Necessary ingredients for making clear and colorful quince fruit jam

Quince jam recipe is one of the easiest jam recipes at home. This jam is one of the popular jams that is usually used a lot in the fall season. First, it is better to use healthy quince fruit in preparing this jam, moldy or crushed, or loose and rotten fruit will cause the jam to spoil and mold.

Quince fruit contains sugar, fiber, protein, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, D, and B. Raw quince is anti-diarrheal, and many of the properties of this jam can relieve constipation and flatulence. Be with us to cook jam and the ingredients needed for it.

How to make moraba beh

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Quince Jam cooking time: 3 to 4 hours

Ingredients for moraba beh:

ingredient for moraba beh

Quince fruit 1.1 pound
Sugar 1.1 pound
Cardamom 2 pcs
lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Brewed saffron 1 tablespoon

How to make moraba beh? (Quince Jam Recipe Persian)

quince jam recipe persian

1. Wash and peel the quince fruit

step 1 moraba beh

The first step to making a great jam is to wash and peel the quinces. Note that peeling them is a matter of taste, and if you wash them well, you can make quince jam with the skin, which is very tasty and popular.

This mostly depends on your taste and, of course, whether you intend to make a simple or special jam. After washing them, put them on the kitchen board and cut them in half, remove the cores, and put them aside.

2. Chop quince fruit finely and cook it

step 2 moraba beh

Now, it’s time to chop the quinces with a knife. At this stage, you can choose chopped or grated jam for cooking according to your taste.

After chopping them, pour them into the pot. Add 6 glasses of water with sugar to the pot, close the lid of the pot, and let it boil on high heat. You can also use a copper pot to improve the quality of the jam.

This Persian jam without sugar, such as jam with grape juice and jam with honey, are other types of jam that you can prepare.

chop the quinces

pour beh in the pot

3. Brewing until the jam reaches the desired concentration

step 3 moraba beh


allow the jam to cook for an hour

After boiling, reduce the heat and put a lid on the pot. After this, we allow the jam to cook for an hour and reach a sufficient concentration.

Leaving a lid on the pot will make your jam red and bright. Note that usually, the jam becomes harder after cooling, so you should only heat it a little.

4. Add your favorite seasonings

step 4 moraba beh

After about 30 minutes, remove the skin of the cardamoms and add its seeds to the jam along with the brewed saffron.

At this stage, try the jam’s consistency; if it has reached the desired level, remove the jam from the heat.

To test the consistency of the jam, pour a quantity of jam nectar into a glass of cold water, and if it reaches the bottom of the glass without disintegrating, it means that the jam has found enough consistency; Otherwise, the jam needs to stay on the heat longer.

5. Pour the jam into a suitable container

step 5 morabba beh

After the Persian quince jam is ready, we remove the pot lid and wait for the jam to cool down. After the jam cools down, pour it into the desired glass container and store it in the refrigerator.

An important thing to pay attention to is that be sure to lower the heat and place the pot on the spreader flame so that the jam cooks slowly for one or two hours.

During this time, the jam’s nectar may evaporate; to avoid reducing the jam syrup, it is necessary to check the jam every 30 minutes, and if the syrup is too thick, add a little boiling water to it.

6. The color and redness of the jam

moraba beh is ready

After 30 minutes of moraba beh cooking, put a steamer on the door and reduce the heat to have a jam with nice color and according to your taste.

If you have a flame spreader at home, be sure to set it on low heat, put the pot on it, and let your delicious jam cook slowly and slowly at a low temperature and get a nice color.

While cooking the jam, please open the door every half an hour and check its concentration and color.

If the color of the jam is not close to your desired color and the concentration has increased, you can add a glass of boiling water to it and put the lid back on the pot. In the next half hour, the jam will reach the desired color.

Besides this jam, we can mention Moraba Havij, Moraba Albaloo, and Cornelian Cherry Jam as the most delicious Iranian jams.

The quince is a very nutritious fruit that also has a very low calorie density. One 100-gram quince fruit contains just 57 calories, according to the USDA National Nutrient database. It’s also a great source of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

The fruit contains tannins including catechin and epicatechin and has a very high concentration of vitamin C. Quince is also a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper.

With a very low calorie density, quince can be enjoyed as part of a healthy eating plan. But quince is not farmed in great quantities, so if you stumble across this secret gem of fall fruits, don’t pass it by.


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Notes for Quince Jam Persian:

Notes for moraba beh

  • Be sure to pour the jams into completely clean and dry jars and store them. A wet spoon should not enter the jam. Otherwise, the jam will mold, and your efforts will be wasted!
  • If you want a darker jam, let it be in the heat for longer. The heat should be very low and mild.
  • Quince jam Persian does not need much lemon juice or lemon juice because if it is cooked well, it usually does not add sugar. But if the sugar is more than that, you need lemon juice! To be sure, add a tablespoon or two of lemon juice in the last hour.
  • First, boil the chopped quinces with water and do not add sugar. After about half an hour, the water boiled together on the heat and became very soft, then add the sugar and let it thicken again. If you add sugar at the beginning, it will make them hard and rubbery.
  • If the quinces are sweet or you don’t want this jam too sweet, add 800 to 900 grams of sugar.
  • Be sure to use a steamer to cook this jam.
  • If you want and like the smell of cinnamon, you can use a piece of cinnamon stick inside the jam.
  • The amount of cardamom is also a matter of taste, but two to four are enough.
  • After removing this from the heat, you can use a spoon of rose water inside the jam.
  • Cooking raw jam in a clean white copper pot is better.
  • Do not throw away the exposed kernels at all. They are very suitable for colds and sore throats.
  • You can even use the skin and make a great drink together with the part that has the core. Or even pour the tea you brew from the peel, fruit, and seeds into it. It has a good fragrance, and you will benefit from its properties.


faq for moraba beh

1. How long does it take to cook moraba beh? 

Note that should cook well for 10 to 12 hours with the pot lid closed and simmering. The longer the jam is cooked, the more colorful and red it becomes. You can cook the jam in a copper pot to make it more colorful.

2. How to cook moraba beh without sugar? 

To cook this Iranian jam without sugar, add grape juice to it after cooking, and then let it boil again. In preparing jam with honey, you can add honey to it after the ingredients are cooked and when pouring it into the container.

3. How much sugar do you need for Persian quince jam? 

The jam’s sweetness is a matter of taste, but usually, equal proportions of sugar and quince are used to prepare jam.

4. What should we do so the jam is not crushed? 

In order not to crush the jam, you should pay attention that the amount of syrup in the jam container is more than the pieces of jam so that the fruit pieces are not crushed.

5. What should I do if my jam is hard? 

Quince jam is generally harder than other jams and is less soft than cherry jam. But if your jam is too hard, add a little boiling water and let it boil to become softer.

6. My jam is too sweet; what should I do? 

Separate the quinces with a little of its concentrated nectar and put it on the flame with some boiling water; after it boils a little, let it cool and mix it with the rest of the jam.

7. Why is a glass container better for storing jam? 

It is better to know that the safety of glass is better than that of plastic, and if you use glass containers, there is no possibility of spreading plastic chemicals into the jam.

8. Is it more characteristic to be cooked or raw? 

In answer to this question, although it has many properties raw, its cooked consumption should not be neglected. Consuming it cooked can help to solve digestive problems and can also reduce the pain during pregnancy.

9. What properties does the fruit have? 

Besides its many properties for the body, Quince fruit is tonic for the heart, stomach, and nerves, and its tea is soothing.

10. What are the properties of moraba beh? 

Due to being cooked and mixed with sugar, quince jam does not have some disadvantages of using raw quince, such as producing flatulence. In addition, consuming jam also strengthens the stomach.


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  • If you have experience eating Iranian Jam, please say your comment.
  • If you are looking for vegetarian food, I suggest you this dessert.
  • You can ask me questions about Persian quince jam in the comments. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • If you make this stew and love the taste of it, please share your pic with us on Facebook & mail.
Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
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