Sharbat e Beh Limoo (Quince Lemon Syrup) + 5 Benefits

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sharbat e beh limoo
sharbat e beh limoo

Sharbat e Beh Limoo is one of the summer anti-thirst syrups. “Beh limoo” is a special type of medicinal plant with an aroma similar to “lemon” that has many benefits for the body and is usually consumed as an infusion.

Many people don’t know how to make beh limoo syrup and think it’s a combination of quince and lemon slices,but quince is a different plant and has different characteristics.

Sharbat e Beh Limoo can be considered one of the most delicious types of syrups. In addition to its good taste, this syrup also has amazing and miraculous properties that you will notice its properties by drinking in one session.

This syrup has long been one of the traditional Iranian syrups and has opened its place among Iranians and hot summer parties.

For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss how to make delicious beh limoo syrup in the simplest possible way. So if you also like to learn the different ways to prepare this syrup, stay with us until the end of the article.

Beh limoo syrup has different types that we will introduce you to in this article on meals cook site and also explain how to prepare them. So be with us.

For: 4 to 6 people

Preparation time: 40 minutes

The amount of calories in each glass is: 12 kcal

Different types of Sharbat e Beh Limoo:

1. Simple beh limoo syrup

2. Beh limoo syrup and lemon juice

3. Beh limoo syrup with quince jam

1.Simple beh limoo syrup:

Simple beh limoo syrup

How to make simple beh limoo syrup? (beh limoo syrup recipe)

Sharbat e Beh Limoo alone is so tasty and full of benefits that it does not need any other additions. You can prepare this syrup with only fresh beh limoo leaves and some sugar.


Water 1/5 glass
Sugar 1/5 cup
Fresh beh limoo leaves 1 glass


1. Preparation of nectar syrup:

In the first step of how to prepare homemade beh limoo syrup, you should pour water and sugar into a pot. Then put it on medium flame. Whenever the water boils switch off the flame immediately.

2. Add beh limoo to the syrup:

Just after turning off the nectar, you should add fresh beh limoo leaves to it. Then put the lid on the pot and let it brew for 20 minutes.

3. Strain beh limoo syrup:

In this step of how to prepare homemade beh limoo syrup, strain the syrup using a sieve. For this, you should place a dry and clean container under the mesh and pour the syrup into it to remove the beh limoo leaves from it.

4. How to store and use beh limoo syrup:

After the syrup is ready, let it cool completely. Then you can put it in a dry and clean container, close the lid, and put it in the refrigerator.

To make syrup, you can pour 1 to 2 spoons of syrup into a glass and fill the rest with cold water. You can add some fresh lime juice to make lemon syrup taste good.

2. Sharbat e Beh Limoo and lemon juice:

Sharbat e Beh Limoo and lemon juice

Beh limoo in combination with the leaves of this plant and some fresh lime juice is very tasty. You can prepare beh limoo syrup and lemon juice with these ingredients and make a delicious and soothing syrup at home.

In the rest of this section, you can get to know the details and steps of how to prepare homemade syrup with a combination of fresh beh limoo and lime juice.


Quince 2 medium
Beh limoo leaves 1 pc
Water 2 glasses
Sugar half a glass
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons

Instruction for Sharbat e Beh Limoo:

Before going to the steps of making syrup, it should be said that there are various recipes and methods for making this syrup and we tried to teach the best methods in this article.

If you prepare Sharbat e Beh Limoo with the help of these methods, you will fall in love with it and it will be a constant base for your favorite drinks.

1. It might be interesting for you to know that the main ingredient in making beh limoo syrup is the fruit of the quince. So, your first step to make this syrup is to wash the quince clean and then peel them.

2. Try to take all the skin and remove the hard parts of the skin. Then divide the peeled one into two halves remove the cores in the middle and throw them away.

3. Finally, put the skinned mixture into a blender and mix well for 3 to 5 minutes. After this time, take out the puree and put it in a container.

Some people like their syrup to be completely clear and thin. In this case, you can pass the obtained puree through a strainer until the water becomes completely clear.

4. Now that the water is ready, you should go to the other steps. First, choose a suitable pot and pour water into it. Then put it on the heat until it starts to boil.

5. When you notice that the water is about to boil, add sugar to the pot and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

6. Remember that stirring the syrup too much or its concentration will cause sugar to form on the walls of the pot. So when the syrup reaches the desired concentration, reduce the heat.

7. Now is the right time to add water to the strainer. After you have done this, let the ingredients in the pot stay on the heat until they reach a suitable concentration and turn into nectar.

8. After you realize that the syrup has reached the right concentration, you should test it so that you can feel at ease about its quality.

The best solution is to pour a drop of syrup into a glass of cold water If the drop of syrup reaches the bottom of the glass without breaking or dissolving, it means your syrup is ready.

If the drop of syrup dissolves immediately in the water it means that your syrup has not reached the concentration and you should put it on the heat again.

9. Finally, when the concentration of syrup reaches the expected level, you should add beh limoo leaves to it.

10. We have reached the final stages of how to prepare delicious beh limoo syrup A few minutes after adding the leaves, add the lime juice to the pot and let the syrup stay on the heat for 5 minutes. Then turn it off and let the syrup cool down to room temperature.

11. Your lemon syrup is ready and after it cools down, pour it into a suitable glass container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Whenever you want to drink sharbat e beh limoo, pour the required amount into the glass mix it with some ice and water, and drink it.

This syrup is similar to other Persian drinks such as bahar narenj drink, sharbat nana, bidmeshk syrup, Persian saffron syrup, khakshir, and sekanjabin syrup.

Lemon verbena has excellent nutritional values that provide various health advantages. Terpenoids, volatile oils, flavonoids, and phenolic acids are some of the major nutrients found in verbena leaves.

Eight health benefits of lemon verbena include:

  1. Reduces inflammation:
    • Lemon verbena possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. 
    • Free radicals in the body cause cell damage and increase the risk of diseases. 
    • In a study, 30 participants with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis were administered lemon verbena extract for 28 days. 
    • C-reactive protein, an inflammatory measure, was found to be significantly reduced. 
    • Another study reported that taking lemon verbena supplements protected cells from oxidative stress and decreased exercise-induced muscle damage in healthy men.


3. Sharbat e Beh Limoo with quince jam:

Sharbat e Beh Limoo with quince jam

Another method that you can use to make sharbate beh limoo and it will certainly make your work easier in making this syrup is to use quince jam to prepare the syrup. To do this just follow the steps below.

1. To do this you need some jam. So you have to separate the juice from the fruit and pour it into a pot.

2. Now you have to add some lemon juice to the jam put it on the heat and let it boil. If you like you can add beh limoo leaves to it and let it reach the right concentration.

3. Finally, pour the prepared nectar into a suitable container put it in the refrigerator take it out and eat it whenever you want.

The properties and benefits of Sharbat e Beh Limoo:

Beh limoo is a type of shrub with simple leaves that if you crush it, emit a lemon-like smell. Beh limoo syrup is very useful for treating heart palpitations, one-sided headaches, colds, indigestion, fever, spasms, weight loss, dizziness, and regulation of body metabolism.

The syrup of this plant can help relieve stress and mental fatigue and is also useful for treating insomnia and nerve pain.

  • Help to strengthen the immune system: By consuming this syrup, your immune system will work better than ever and you will be safe from chronic diseases.
  • Help to lose weight If you are interested in losing weight and are looking for a simple solution, consuming beh limoo syrup is the simple solution in front of you.
  • Aid in digestion: sharbat e beh limoo is effective in digestion and also keeps stomach problems away from you.
  • Reducing anxiety: Due to its antioxidant properties, Beh limoo keeps anxiety away from you and you can take it for a long time to get rid of anxiety.
  • Preventing heat stroke: If your body is suffering from dehydration on summer days and you constantly feel thirsty this syrup is a good choice for you. In addition to this syrup,lemon juice syrup also has the same use and the preparation of lemon juice syrup, an anti-heat drink is also very simple.

Notes for Sharbat e Beh Limoo:

  • If you don’t have access to a juicer, you can grate it and then pass it through a strainer.
  • In the preparation of sharbat e beh limoo with bahar narenj juice and saffron, you can add some saffron and bahar narenj juice to the syrup.
  • In the preparation of beh limoo syrup with dried quince, you must put the quince in water for a few hours and then use them to prepare the syrup.
  • To make this syrup, it is better to use fresh lime juice instead of industrial lemon juice so that your syrup will be tastier.
  • The method of preparing Sharbat e Beh Limoo with dry leaves is exactly the same as the method of preparing it with fresh leaves. For this, instead of adding fresh leaves, you should use the dry leaves of this plant in the syrup.

FAQ Sharbat e Beh limoo:

1. Who should not drink beh limoo herbal tea and beh limoo syrup?

People suffering from kidney failure, as well as pregnant and lactating women, should not use large amounts of herbal tea and beh limoo syrup. Consumption of be limoo also causes skin allergies in some people.

2. What is beh limoo syrup good for?

Consuming sharbat e beh limoo is very useful for treating heart palpitations, one-sided headaches, colds, indigestion, fever, spasms, weight loss, dizziness, and regulation of body metabolism. This syrup can help relieve stress and mental fatigue and is also useful for treating insomnia and nerve pain.

3. How to prepare traditional medicine beh limoo syrup?

To prepare beh limoo syrup according to traditional medicine, you must first prepare the nectar of the syrup and then add fresh beh limoo leaves to it and wait for a few minutes. Then filter the syrup and use it to make syrup.

4. What is the nature of lemon?

The nature of lemon in traditional medicine is warm and dry and therefore it is considered a unique choice for phlegmatic and cold-tempered people. Gallic and warm people should avoid consuming this syrup.


Did you like a recipe for sharbat e beh limoo?

  • If you have experience eating beh limoo syrup , please say your comment.
  • If you are looking for vegetarian food, I suggest you this drink.
  • You can ask me questions about this Persian drink in the comments.I will answer your questions as soon as possible.
  • if you make this drink and love the taste of it, please share your pic with us on @mealscook Facebook & mail.





Chef Haghighi
Chef Haghighi

I am Chef Haghighi with ten years of cooking experience and setting up many restaurants and fast food in Iran and Turkey. I am interested in writing recipes on my website. I have the TCA international culinary qualification.I have the experience of successfully launching more than 20 restaurants and fast food in USA and Turkey. I have opened all kinds of traditional restaurants and fast food in Iranian and Turkish style.
You can contact me for advice on equipping restaurants and fast food
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    • To increase the taste, you can add a little honey to this syrup. The use of fresh lemon and a little brewed saffron can add to the aroma and taste of this syrup

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